Why counselling and psychotherapy?

Talking a problem through with a willing and patient listener can make all the difference when we are feeling overwhelmed by life’s problems. We all instinctively know this, which is why we will call our best friend for a chat or confide in a colleague at work.

Sometimes, though, we need to talk to someone who isn’t involved and is trained to help us think through things differently. Someone whose job it is to listen to us, take us seriously and help us to find a way through to the other side of the problem.

Counselling provides a combination of active listening and emotional and psychological support until you come to your own solutions. A typical course of counselling can be anything between 6 weeks and 6 months, depending on the complexity of the problem.

Psychotherapy is usually a longer term endeavour and its aim is to facilitate change in our psychology – in how we relate to ourselves, others and the world – in order to bring about longer term change in relationships with others and our experience of life. A typical course of psychotherapy will usually be at least 6 months, although the length of time will always be determined by you, the client.


The Lightwell Practice
8 High Corn Mill
Chapel Hill
North Yorkshire
BD23 1NL

07708 173666

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